What All GOAT Sports Athletes Have In Common

5 min readSep 22, 2022


Other than being winners, what do they all have in common?

Tom Brady, Michael Jordan & Cristiano Ronaldo. What do they all have in common?

Now, before I get some backlash over picking these names over others, allow me to clarify that I picked them because they are the ultimate example of what I’m talking about.

It’s not relevant to this article whether MJ is the GOAT or LeBron is. Nor is it relevant to debate who is better between Messi and Ronaldo.

The point is, the 3 names mentioned in the beginning are all EXTREMELY successful at their sports. Successful enough to be considered one of the best ever by many people. These are just the examples I picked for this.

So, what is it that guys like Tom Brady, Michael Jordan and Cristiano Ronaldo all have in common?

It’s not their physique. It’s not any talent or ability. It’s not related to their upbringing. And it’s definitely not any advantages they had in life over other people.

It’s only their mindset.

Some people might read this and react with “No shit”.

But I want you to really think about this.

For example, how do I know that their mindset is so great?

Is it just because of what they say in their interviews?

Hell no.

Talk is cheap. It is the cheapest thing in the world. It always has been and it always will be.

I know it because it is extremely well documented just how much hard work they’ve put in to become the best.

Oh, and I know it because it’s visible in their output. You can’t achieve what they have achieved without A LOT of hard work over years and years.

Now at this point, someone could argue “Then wouldn’t that be what they all have in common? Shouldn’t it be their work ethic over their mindset?

The answer is no.

Because where does work ethic come from?

Where do relentless commitment and sacrifice come from?

Where do insane consistency and sufficient self-belief to keep going no matter what come from?

It all comes from your mindset.

Just think about this small detail:

If any one of them did NOT have an unwavering belief in themselves, do you really think they would get up in the morning every single day FULLY motivated to continue their journey of sacrifice and extreme hard work?

In order to be the best in sports, your lifestyle must reflect that as well.

People LOVE to attribute success to talent because it makes them feel better about themselves. “Oh, that guy was born with talent. He’s just lucky. If I had been born with the same amount of talent, I could be doing what he’s doing too.

Thinking of the world in this way is very protective of your ego. So, most people just think this way and feel great about it.

But that’s it. They just feel better about their own lack of accomplishments and nothing changes.

However, for those of you brave enough to see past what your ego wants you to believe, then hopefully you know that anybody could become a professional athlete as long as they would work hard from a young age (and also as long as they would steer clear of any potentially career-ending injuries of course).

Does this mean you should feel bad about yourself?

Why would you?

You didn’t know any better when you were younger.

And that’s exactly why I decided to write this article. To address the huge mistake in the perception of athletes who achieve greatness.

The world of sports is ALL physical. The entire game is physical.

However, what is driving the physical actions? It’s always the players’ brains.

It ALL starts in your mind.

That’s why so many NBA and NFL top 10 draft picks end up being a “bust”.

Because scouts are always mostly focused on the physical talent of the players.

But what about the mind behind that physical talent?

That’s like thinking the only thing you care about the Uber you’re ordering is how good the car is. If the driver has a thousand negative reviews, it doesn’t matter. Only the vehicle matters.

It makes no sense right? Because it’s the DRIVER who will drive you to where you want. So, if he’s crazy and dangerous, no matter what car he’s driving, it’s probably not a wise decision to go with that guy. Even if he’s driving a Ferrari, a Bugatti, or a Lamborghini. It doesn’t matter.

Well, when a top 10 draft pick is a “bust”, that’s what happened.

They picked a Ferrari with a terrible driver.

They picked a rookie who, on paper, has everything he needs to become a superstar. However, the mind behind that player does not have a good mindset.

Instead, he just takes everything for granted, relies on his talent alone and doesn’t work hard. Or maybe he just doesn’t believe in himself enough.

Whatever it is, fast forward a few seasons and sometimes that rookie doesn’t even have a contract anymore. He has an average job and missed out on an opportunity of a lifetime. ALL because he didn’t have his mindset in order.

Of course, some players are just unlucky and get awful injuries, but the mindset also plays a HUGE part in overcoming injuries.

You need a great mindset to have the motivation to work hard so you can come back as soon as possible. Plus, you need a great mindset to not come back scared of getting hurt again.

All this is what really makes the difference between the average player and the GREATS.

What does this mean for you specifically?

Think about it.

I just showed you that in a world where it seems that ONLY physical ability matters (because it’s only a physical sport, there are no quizzes or anything like that), it’s mindset that defines who is the best.

So, in whatever you’re doing, I want you to stop looking at the advantages everyone else has.

Look at your own advantages.

And even if you have none, you can still develop what is literally the biggest game changer: your mindset.

That’s right. Whatever your endeavors are, your mindset can ALWAYS give you an advantage over everyone else.

Or a disadvantage if you don’t work on it.

The decision is yours.

Never stop hustling & never stop dreaming,

- Dez

P.S. I’m a Success Coach and I’d be happy to help you develop your mindset into a winner mindset if you think you could use some help! You can check out my official website https://kaidezen.com/ for more information




I’m a Success Mindset Coach writing about topics that help people around the world with mindset struggles. Learn more about me here: https://kaidezen.com/